:::: MENU ::::

Monday, 7 July 2014

Summary of enhancements from meeting today.

  1. Performance - 20 to 30% faster opening assemblies

  1. Recent command (R) - open, drag drop etc
  2. Scale sketchers - new sketch automatically scales
  3. Lasso selection - right click select lasso
  4. Path length dimension - dimension for length of selected line segments
  5. Gusset - sheet metal feature
  6. Auto relief - sheet metal feature
  7. Slots - hole wizard
  8. Extrude in both directions - right click in graphics area in extrude or cut extrude
  9. Delete feature - keeps child features
  10. OLF simple sans - stick font could be used with router
  11. New units - volume etc added

  1. View palette - views remember what has been used
  2. Replace model - can replace model reference on drawing view
  3. Save as copy and open - file, save as menu

  1. Assembly context sketch notification - alerts user starting sketch in assembly
  2. Configuration selection - right click in assembly
  3. Section view exclude components - sectioning of assemblies
  4. Curve and pattern in assembly - same as part now
  5. Mating behaviour improved - bit more logical for user

  1. Configs for weldment profiles

  1. Cartoon rendering - wow
This is some of the enhancements see this link from page 14 for more: 


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