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Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Sketch Picture Scale Tool was new in 2014, but it comes up now and again. Every time it does, I think “Wow, this is cool!” – so I thought we could take another look.

Start a sketch:

Tools > Sketch Tools > Sketch Picture

Browse to the desired file and open:

What the heck is that blue line? That’s the Sketch Picture Scale Tool. Let’s take a look at how it works.

First, move the Sketch Picture nearest your desired Origin:

Now, click and drag to move the left endpoint of the Scale Tool to the leftmost point you will use in the image. In my example, the leftmost point also happened to be my desired Origin.

Next, click and drag the right endpoint of the Scale Tool to the rightmost point. As soon as you let go, you will be allowed to specify a measurement.

Hit OK and Exit Sketch.

You now have a Sketch Picture, to scale, you can begin designing around.


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