:::: MENU ::::

Monday 30 March 2015


To disable the behavior you can go to the “System Options” tab in the Options dialogue (Under Tools > Options) and then go to the Drawings section.  Here there is a check box where you can disable the behavior to “Reduce spacing when dimensions are deleted or edited (add or change tolerance, text etc …)”.  Un-checking this option will cause the dimensions to stay exactly where you place them, the program will no longer try to adjust the spacing of the dimension.
Spacing Option 

How to adjust the default spacing option

However if you want to use this functionality instead of just turning it off, you can adjust the way it works if you like.  The setting to control the spacing is file specific (so any changes you wish to make should be saved as a new template file if you want them to be reflected in new files going forward).  Go to the “Document Properties” tab in the Options dialogue, and then go to the Dimensions section.  Under Offset distances you can adjust the offset spacing if you want to still use this functionality, but have a different spacing than the default.



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