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Friday 19 June 2015

SOLIDWORKS has many tools that are often forgotten because they are not on the main toolbars, or talked about much in training classes. One of these tools is the Modify Sketch tool, which has 3 main functions for modifying your Sketch, including Moving/Flipping, Rotating and Scaling.
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Modify Sketch can be found in the Tools dropdown, under Sketch Tools, Modify…
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To Move a sketch you have two options the first is to enter a Translate value into the dialog box.  The other option is to move a sketch in the graphics area, using the pointer:
  • Press the left-mouse button  to move the sketch.
  • Point at the end points or center of the black origin to display one of three flip symbols. Right-click to flip the sketch on the X axis, the Y axis, or both.
    •  Flip sketch along X axis
    •  Flip sketch along Y axis
    •  Flip sketch along both axes
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To Rotate a sketch you have two options the first is to enter a Rotate value into the dialog box. The other option is to rotate a sketch in the graphics area, using the pointer:
  • Press the right-mouse button  to rotate the sketch around the black origin.
Note: The speed you use to rotate determines by how much the angle increments. Slow motion increments the angle one degree at a time; quicker motion increments the angle by ten or more degrees at a time.
  • Point at the center point of the black origin to display a point symbol . Click and drag the center of rotation independently of the sketch, then rotate the sketch around the black origin.
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Lastly to Scale a sketch select either the Sketch origin or the Movable origin from the Scale About in the dialog box. Once you choose what to Scale About enter a Scale Factor and press enter.
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One last item to remember is that you cannot Modify a sketch that has external references, if your sketch has external references you will see the following message and will not be able to access the command until you delete those references.
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